28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you,30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’
Luke 14:28-30
This was Jesus counsel to his disciples just after giving one of the most challenging teachings of his ministry life. He tells his disciples in Luke 14:26-27, that being his disciple will cost them everything. He literally includes parents, siblings, and even their very life. It is very interesting to me that he follows that heavy challenge with a simple admonishment to consider the cost before moving forward. He gives two quick parables, the one above about building a tower and quickly follows that one with a story about a king going to war. It is easy to see that Jesus was not trying to manipulate his disciples. He wanted them fully informed about what following him would ultimately cost.
We want to be the same way. We notice that Jesus did not start his relationship with the disciples with this heavy challenge. Clearly he knew from the beginning they would get to this challenge. We are endeavoring to follow Jesus in this command to make disciples. If we want to see disciples who will last; who will eventually become disciple-makers, then we must start with that end-goal, in mind. Lets imagine we are constructing a disciple-making factory. Where do we start? What are the necessary ingredients? Is there a field tested process?
Last week I introduced the tool, "Simple Path to Multiplication" as a broad road map of the process we are launching. We listed 5 steps that, when followed, will result in generational multiplication. See last week's post here.
Today we will introduce two helpful tools. 1. We will introduce a discovery exercise called; Head, Heart, and Hands. 2. We will introduce the Three Thirds Process (3/3rds) for small group gatherings.
Head, Heart, and Hands
This is a simple discovery Bible study tool. When you study Scripture together, you advance through these simple questions to discover as a community what God is teaching his people through Scripture. The graphic above is the quick reference for guiding the discussion, but click below for a more robust description and guide
Video Resources:
Three Thirds - 3/3rds
The 3 Thirds divides your meeting into 3 segments, each with different elements. The segments are called, Look Back, Look Up, and Look Ahead. Each element is designed to engage and empower small groups to experience powerful community life in a small group setting.
Lastly I want to submit a few links of Pastor Julio's past blog posts regarding these two tools. Late in 2017 our Church went through a process of training all of our group leaders: adult, youth, and children, on how to use these tools. Explore those posts below:
There are many other videos so you should feel free to peruse them. Our goal was to provide basic video training for our group leaders. It is a start, but feel free to let me know if you need clarity or help as we move forward.